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A1 New Zealand - World Cup Final True West

A1 New Zealand - World Cup Final

For the second year running True West will be the final and ultimate test of AR skill for the year. Race director Nathan Faavae is considered by many to be the GOAT of AR, and now retired he is transferring all of his knowledge and expertise into creating epic 48 hour races that are a ‘TRUE’ test of AR skill. The race is based on the ‘WEST’ coast of New Zealand which has wild and unique unique terrain, with mountains and amazing whitewater rivers perfect for Adventure Races.

Nathan says ‘The True West is my chance to create seriously stunning adventure racing courses, and apply all the learning I have had from competing in 31-countries over my 22-year adventure racing career’. Check out video below of last years event to get a taste of what to expect.

We may have lost Godzone New Zealand, but we have gained True West which whilst not an expedition, is just as spectacular and challenging.

This years race will be in Hokitika and the forecast looks good for racing.

You will be able to track the event live and follow detailed analysis on AR Live Coverage from race start this Friday 8 December.

World Obstacle - Fédération Internationale de Sports d'Obstacles

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